Pastor Michael Masih ( English). More video messages:


Praise Lord I want to greet you in the wonderful mighty and most powerful name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Most High God the only way to the Father because Bible tells us under heaven upon this earth no name has been given to men that they would be saved but the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth because Jesus Christ died on the cross but risen after three days and that’s why he is the one who can give us eternal life because he conquered the death.

Praise God and this morning we’d like to discuss very important a special topic we’re going to talk Can a Christian have a demon can a Christian have a demon this is very important and we’re going to talk about this demon spurts can invade and indwell human bodies is the objective to do so by indwelling a person they obtain a greater advantage in controlling that a person than when they are working from outside when demons and well a person he or she is said to have an evil spirit to be with evil spirit possessed with demons as we read in

Mark chapter 9 verse 17 we’re going to find out mark chapter 9 verse 17 let’s read that passage from the Holy Bible Mark chapter 9 verse 17 and one from the crowd answered Leslie nine verse 17 and one from the crowd answered him teacher I brought my son to you because he is a mute he has a mute spirit you see this person have a son and do have a spirit which caused him to be mute when he was not able to speak and then he explained these are the symptoms of this spirit and whenever it would seize him it rolls him down and he forms at the mouth and gnashes his teeth and and is stiff and I asked your disciples to cast out but they were not able to so here we can see this guy have the spirit the evil spirit which caused this person to be mute and then.

We read Luke chapter 4 verse 33 Luke chapter 4 verse 33 it says here Luke chapter 4 verse 33 excuse me it says and a man having an unclean demon spirit was in the synagogue and the demon cried out in a loud voice you see this man was in the synagogue he was in a worship place and he must be the member of that synagogue he must be attending this synagogue every week but when Jesus showed up in this synagogue the demons were manifested why because of the presence of God when the light will shine and the things which are hiding in that darkness will be seen so what happened because Jesus Christ is the light Jesus Christ has the anointing of the Holy Spirit and when Jesus Christ came in that son.

Synagogue we see that demons were manifested so we see here and then we read mark chapter 1 verse 23 Mark chapter 1 let’s read much chapter 1 verse 23 and the straight way they’re in their synagogue was a man with the unclean spirit he cried out we see the same story in this chapter and we’re gonna talk about this demon possessed and the demonized is there are two words in the King James Version they use the word possession and in fact the word possession means total control and we can see the demons and they don’t have a total control over a person means they are story sold out so when we’re talking about the Christians Christians are born again when somebody becomes a born again what happened.

The Holy Spirit comes and dwells in their spirit as I explained before in the order program a man has a three-part spirit soul and body and body you know all this outer cover and the soul has emotions desires feelings are come in a soul so we can see that when you are born again your spirit becomes a born again when the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in your spirit but there’s a process for your soul to be changed to be born there’s a process for your body to be changed and it’s a long process and that’s why we say I am saved I am being saved and I will be saved one day praise God so my spear is saved my soul is in the process to be saved and my body will be saved one day.

When I will have a glorified body when I will be resurrected in a first resurrection then I will be saved on that day praise God this is very very important so as long as a Christian lives in this world sometimes when they open the door through an evil talk by looking on any woman are by looking at pornography movies or anything which is not appropriate when they look on those things what happens they open the doors into their soul into their body for those demons to come in so this is what happens.

The demons come and dwell in this old dwell in their body and causes those sicknesses causes those diseases causes that harm so that’s what demon does so we should be aware of this so we will say you know they are not possessed by those demons but they are demonized so that’s what like demons is clinging on them demons are hanging on them demons are not had demons don’t have a total control over their lives but they have a some control which affects their lives so this is what happens.

Because when a Christian is born again you know according to 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 18 and 19 you say for as much as you know that ye were not redeemed with the corruptible things as silver and gold but with the precious blood of Christ so when we are born again we are saved we are purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and also first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 and 20 what know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and ye are not your own for ye are bought with the price and therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods so praise God we see our spirit soul and bodies belongs to God and what happened as I explained that when we open a door for for Satan through our fleshly desires then the demons have a legal right to come in and dwell in us the Christian should always consider indwelling demon as unnecessary and undesirable trespassers like.

For example that you have a land and although you have put a signboard you know trespassing is not allowed but somebody comes and do some hunting in your land in your forest so when you find out you know when you find out that somebody is you know in your land and you can go to that person they tell you no didn’t you see the sign you’re not supposed to be coming in this place and you simply tell that person leave my property and that person has no right to stay he’s not leave because it will be illegal for that person to be staying on your property because that property doesn’t belong to that person.

So you simply tell you know I want you to leave my property so same way when you see that something is wrong in your life what you should do you simply command that demon which is affecting your life to tell the demon in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth you should leave my body you should leave my soul right now because I I don’t belong to you my body my soul my spirit belongs to Jesus Christ and I’m purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ so you have no right to enter into my life in Jesus name to be out so this is very very simple praise God and that’s very this is very important there’s another thing I’d like to share with you here now if you read Matthew chapter 12 verse 43 to 44.

When the unpin spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and finding none then he said I will return into my house from where I came out you see it’s very important when the demons are cast out now this demon it’s very important for us to know that these demons don’t have any bodies these are the spirits and these spirits need the body to function so that’s why they’re looking for a body and when we open a door through our evil deeds of fleshly desires then these demons come and they perform they function for example if you open a door through lustful desires and you will see there’s a demon watching you that this whole atmosphere is full of demons and the demons are always watching you and when you do something which is not according to the Word of God.

For example when you’re watching a porn movies what happens the demons are watching you and because you open the door into your life by watching that porn movies what happened the nut demon has has a legal right the demon see the door is open and those demon come and empower you and that you will have a more deeper desire to watch those porn movies and not only that but that demon will empower you to do something what you what you are watching in that movie and in this way it will affect you it will affect your family it will affect other people so this is what happens so we should know and now for example the deem of the cast out now you repent from your sin and you pray against that demon to be out and know that demon is gone and what happens now you need to fill yourself in the Holy Spirit now you have to fill yourself. 

In the Word of God and if you don’t pray and don’t fill yourself with the Word of God what happens now you are empty the house is clean there’s nobody there and the doors are open so what happened this demon is roaming around and this demon is in a very painful situation why because you see over 70 to 80 percent of the body of a human body have a water so it’s not a dry place the human body is not a dry place human body is a wet place where there’s a lot of water ok majority of the human body contains water so what happened when this demon which is gone out of a person now it’s in a drive places what happened no she wants to come back for what to quench her thirst from where in a human body this is very technical and scientific leeway I’m explaining to you that’s why the demon like to live in a human.

Body because they have a lot of water there and because she feel peace in a human body because she she’s fed on a human flesh and she is fed and she quench her thirst through the water the human has so so make sure they keep the door closed through prayer and through the Word of God amen so this is very very important.

And but we Christians many times make mistakes and we are thinking because we are born again we go to church it’s okay for me to you know after the church go and gossip then we gossip backbiting all kinds of evil things we’re talking about others so what’s gonna happen the demons of hatred she’s gonna come and she will live in you and empower you to be more hateful more angry toward those people and what is happening that demons are doing several things number one they’re eating up your body when you’re angry and hateful you know that demon is eating your bones that demon is eating your flesh and when a demon is eating your flesh and eating your bone every bite they have on your bones is gonna be a poisonous every bite they have on your flesh is gonna be poisonous so what’s gonna happen when poison is injected in your bones and in your flesh what happened your flesh is gonna become a rotten.

Your bonding to become a rotten so what is gonna happen you were to have a cancer because cancer is a rotten flesh arthritis is the rotten bones because they eating up all the good stuff from your bones so this is very serious thing so don’t open your mouth for gossip and evil and anger and backbiting and all those things so make sure that you keep your mouth shut so this is very very important because majority of the Christians in United States and in the West there’s a false doctrine is being preached called once saved always saved they say once you pray after a pastor you are born again you are saved you’re gonna go to heaven doesn’t matter how you live your life so what happened these Christians are very much ignorant and they open the doors they open their mouths they open their eyes they open the ears for the evil things so what happened through those doors the demons comes demons come and they live in that person so it’s very very important for us to be careful now I just want to leave something as unreasonable as it may seem some Christians are not as ready to get rid of indwelling demons as one might assume some are embarrassed to admit the need for deliverance like if I say if I say to some Christians even some of the leaders I know I have seen even in my own life let me share something very important I myself did cast out some demons out of my own life and some other preachers that share the same kind of things and I thank God that had happened I was I’m not embarrassed to tell you this thing although I was born again but it has but I had to cast those demons out of my life and I can like I can share those things because it will be very embarrassing for the Christians to admit that they have demons but when you see the lifestyle how they talk how they treat others you can say for sure this Christian although he’s the born-again the Holy Spirit lives in that person’s spirit not insult not in body the Holy Spirit has to have that control over their soul and spur but it will only happen when that Christian allows the Holy Spirit and totally surrender their soul totally surrender the eyes totally surrender their ears totally surrender.

The tongue totally surrender their pot life to the Holy Spirit then the Holy Spirit in the soul and in their body but as long as the Christian is not completely surrendering their soul and the body to the Holy Spirit the demons will come and affect that person’s life and now they go to church every Sunday but there’s so much corruption in the lives there’s so much bad things in their lives and they don’t want to admit because they are embarrassed the embarrassment should never result from having them but in a failure to act promptly in getting them out so you see if you are embarrassed we cannot be delivered deliverance is for the desperate if you’re not desperate enough to be delivered you will never be delivered others have walked in agreement with the certain spirits for so long that they do not want to change not all Christians really want to live in purely such are as those who have made friends with pigs with these demons but even the prodigal son came to himself while among the swine and decided he would separate himself at a turn to his father let us pray that all of God’s children who cohabit with the spiritual swine will see that there is a barrel there’s a better life what happened to the prodigal son particle son did not realize that he is on the wrong road although he was the son of you know here in this story the father of this son is actually represented as a Heavenly Father it’s a two sons what older son is like the Jewish people and the other other people but let me explain to you this is the story of a man and this man is the Heavenly Father and the this guy the younger son is a Christian guy the Christian guy he wants to live his his old life he rebelled against his father he went in his sin into the world and now when the suffering came when he lost everything and he was living with the pigs feeding to the pigs and he had desire to eat from the pig span what happened then one day when he was really tormented by those pigs and that lifestyle in which he was then he realized that there’s a better life and many time it happens to those kind of Christians hey there’s a better life I must leave this lifestyle after they suffer a lot prodigal son suffered a lot and after his suffering he realized that he has to go back to his father to be healed he has to go back to his father to be fed he has to go back to his father to be clothed properly praise God so because this is what happens the same thing with her you know happened to the Christians when they realized a man the kind of life I’m living is not right life so what happens he has to leave this lifestyle and go back to the Heavenly Father so my dear brothers sisters I will encourage you to please now you know think about these things as I share some of those very very important things and God loves you you are made on the image of God you should know that devil is your enemy he is not your friend he has his model to steal to kill and destroy that’s what he wants to do he wants to steal from you he wants to kill you you want to destroy you so make sure that you should not be deceived but the devil’s tactics close all those doors and just open one door toward heaven and fill yourself with the Word of God and through prayer and I believe that God will protect you and start using you in a mighty and most powerful way as never before because God has a wonderful plan for you as we have you know read in the Holy Bible and as we read in Jeremiah 29:11 it says for I know the plan I have for you plans to prosper you not to harm you but give you hope and future God has a wonderful great plan for our lives and that will has a bad plan for our lives so what kind of plan you want that that plan to be accomplished in your life to be fulfilled in your life I want God’s plan to be fulfilled in my life because when God’s plan to be fulfilled my life I will be blessed I be prosper I’ll be healthy I’ll be strong but if I keep the door opens through my flesh than the devil’s plan will be fulfilled in my life and what is that plan to kill to steal to kill and destroy if you have any sense you should close all those doors and say Lord Jesus.

I am truly sorry I have sinned against you please forgive me all of my sins as we read in the first John this letter John wrote to the church he’s telling to the Christians he said if we sin we have an advocate the intercessor who’s seated on the right hand of the Father Jesus Christ so he’s talking to the Christians when the Christian since he can come back to the back to Jesus and say Lord Jesus I have sinned against you please forgive me all of my sins.

Bible tells us the blood of His Son Jesus Christ cleanse us from all of our sins and the Bible says when we sin when we confess our sins he is faithful and just to cleanse us from all of our sins and set us free from all of our unrighteousness praise God so it’s very important.

My dear sisters and as you have heard this message this is my prayer let the Holy Spirit convicts you that you must repent from your sins and come back to Jesus he is willing to deliver you to set you free so please now visit our YouTube channel and subscribe and make notes and share with others and be a true disciple of Jesus Christ and go out and start praying for the other people and deliver them in the name of Jesus as God has delivered you as God has set you free so please keep on watching our program God answers prayers and I truly believe that you’re gonna be blessed and if you have any question concern prayer requests please reach us through these telephone numbers.

Thank you for everything, and may God’s love surround you always.

Pastor Michael Masih.

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